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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton July 8, 2015

Affordances and constraints: Second language learning in cleaning work

  • Maiju Strömmer EMAIL logo
From the journal Multilingua


This paper examines opportunities for language learning in a cleaning job, which is a typical entry-level job for immigrants. An ethnographic case study approach is taken to investigate examples of the conditions that allow or prevent language learning for the focal participant, a sub-Saharan man who works as a cleaner in Finland. This case illustrates on a micro-scale the impact of the new economy on a worker in a company that has outsourced its cleaning services. Theoretically and methodologically, the study applies van Lier’s (2004) ecological approach to language learning and Scollon and Scollon’s (2004) nexus analysis. The analysis of interaction order shows that within outsourced cleaning services, the cleaner is isolated from the work community around him and communication between him and clients is relayed through intermediaries. Consequently, only occasional opportunities arise for interaction in L2 in the workplace. Examples of work situations that offer affordances for linguistic action are analysed in depth to find out how work-related language learning could be supported. However, the pedagogical value of such affordances might be rather low, and hence, as it often offers very limited opportunities for developing second language skills, cleaning may be a dead-end job.


I would like to sincerely acknowledge Professor Alexandre Duchêne who provided guidance and invaluable feedback during different phases of this manuscript preparation. I am very grateful for the project Finnish as a work language (funded by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation) for research grants, collaboration and support, particularly for my principal supervisor Minna Suni and my colleague Aija Virtanen. I would also like to thank my supervisor Sari Pietikäinen and the participants of Discourse Studies Article Writing Programme organised by Peripheral Multilingualism Project for their encouragement and helpful comments. Furthermore, I wish to extend my thanks to the two anonymous reviewers who offered insightful suggestions on the earlier version of this paper and to Kifibin for his time and commitment.


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Published Online: 2015-7-8
Published in Print: 2016-11-1

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